Monday, February 21, 2011

And The Journey Begins...

I believe it was Thomas Edison that said "Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress."  We at MITRA are plowing ahead with discontent for progress.  We hope that this blog will be an incubator for future entrepreneurs, a place to learn, to listen, to get to know each other and to share ideas with one another.  I leave you with a quote, to encourage all of us write the journey of our lives boldly...

"Write every day, line by line, page by page, hour by hour. Do this despite fear. For above all else, beyond imagination and skill, what the world asks of you is courage, courage to risk rejection, ridicule and failure. As you follow the quest for stories told with meaning and beauty, study thoughtfully but write boldly. Then, like the hero of the fable, your dance will dazzle the world."    - Robert McKee